¿Qué tal estáis pasando la Semana Santa?
Yo así así. Hace demasiado frio y la verdad es que no me gusta nada.
No sé si muchos de vosotros os gusta celebrar la Semana Santa con las procesiones. A mí personalmente sí. Me encanta ir a las ciudades donde hay pasos y verlas, por lo que ayer fui a Sevilla a pasar la Madrugá con mi hermano.
Antes de irnos mi madre insistió en que me pusiera tropecientas capas de ropa encima. Yo ya no sabía cómo decirle que no iba a hacer falta hasta que por narices me tuve que poner una o dos capas más de ropa (agradezco su tozudez porque hizo un frio que pelabaaa!!!)
Queriamos encontrarnos con una amiga y estuvimos en los palcos de (no me acuerdo donde) porque nos invitaron. La verdad es que las procesiones se veían de lujo desde ese sitio. Sin embargo, como había llovido, la alfombra que recorría todo el palco estaba húmeda (al ser al aire libre...). Como consecuencia, esa humedad a lo largo de las horas iba acentuándose en nuestros pies produciendo una horrible sensación a frio a pesar de llevar calcetines bien gordos. Tuvimos que salir varias veces de los palcos a mover el cuerpo (porque estábamos o sentados o de pie) porque nos congelábamos.
En fin... Os pongo aquí unas cuántas fotos del evento con mi amiga y mi hermano y un pequeño video al final.
Since I am spending my holidays in Andalusia (it last a week) I wanted to go to Sevilla to live the "Semana Santa" sevillana. I went with my brother to the city to meet a friend. It was during the night because we wanted to see "La madrugá". What is it? It is a entery night only about processions of adorned floats.
I don't know if you guys know the tradition that is going on these days in Spain. This week is really special in Spain. If you don't know about it, i will copy and paste some information that i've found in English and it's explained really detailed. And after it some pics but if you want to understand them you have to read the text bellow.
Semana santa: The holiday, jubilant in Seville and Andalucía and solemn elsewhere
in Spain, is practically defined by its stunning processions. Each of
these processions typically boasts two intensely adorned floats, one of
the Virgin and the other of a scene from Christ's Passion. Take in the
lavish decoration of these incredible creations as they slowly pass
before you accompanied by the music of coronets and drums; its hard to
do without getting chills. Underneath each float, you'll just barely be
able to make out rows and rows of feet. There are up to forty men,
called costaleros, who haul the float on shoulders and control
its swaying motion. In fact, they practice so much and are so in sync
with each other that the realistic figures on top look eerily as if they
were walking along to the music.
Impossible to miss are the seemingly endless rows of nazarenos, or penitents, who walk along with the float.. You may even see many nazarenos
walking barefoot, which is pretty impressive, considering some of the
processions last up to 14 hours! Oh, and don't be thrown off by the
resemblance between the pointy hoods and long robes of the nazarenos and those of the Ku Klux Klan: it's coincidental and completely unrelated.
For more information:
A mi amiga no le hace mucha gracia salir de frente en las fotos... Siempre tiene que salir de lado y mirando a otro lado.
Esta foto es de por lo menos una hora antes de que pasara el primer paso, por eso no hay nadie por ahí.
This pic is about one hour earlier before the processions could pass by there, so that's why there is nobody XD.
I really hate the flash... we look like if we were ghosts.
In my back, it's a pity you can't see them but nazarenos were passing by there.
In this pic you can see that a lot of people come to Sevilla to see this.
Also in other cities of Spain you can see this procesions.
And now some pics of the web 'cause i couldn't take good ones of the "nazarenos" (for example "La Virgen de la Macarena" procession)
Y aqui pongo un video de la Virgen de la Macarena. Me gustan mucho más si es con música porque se hace más ameno al menos a las 5 de la mañana, que era la hora en la que pasó y ya estábamos un poco cansados.
I uploaded a video. This video is about "La Macarena". So you can see what it is "La Semana Santa" more or less.
Don't know if you could understand about it but at least you know one thing more about Spain.
Sorry about my horrible English...