domingo, 20 de enero de 2013

My "new" wig.

Hello people!
I bought a wig some months ago. I couldn't show it before 'cause I didn't use it a lot but these past weeks I've been using it a bit more. So here it is. 
I cut the bangs 'cause I wanted it straight. Sorry but I don't remember the seller of this wig. I will only say I had to pay 12$ only for it.

I know I have to brush it -.- 
I just wanted to show you :)
Ok Ok, i am just kidding. I did too much photoshop on this! :D  I wanted to try looking like those korean models (too big eyes!)
This pictures below are the ones that counts ^^

I have to say it looks really natural although it was so cheap :)

BTW! Soon I will do a tutorial of the make up I am wearing on those pictures.